Your safety is our concern! has taken all necessary steps to assure the security and privacy of its users. We monitor activities on our website on a permanent basis and investigate any activity or content that seems not right to us. We want you to have a safe and hassle free experience, whether you are looking to buy, sell or rent your property. For this reason, please ensure you follow the following steps for your safety and the safety of other users:
1) Never share your financial information with somebody who you don't really know. Money transactions should only happen after or when a property has been viewed, paperwork from both seller and buyer have been verified, and a sale or rental contract has been signed. We do recommend to all our users to use the services of a solicitor, lawyer or notary for any property transaction process, depending on the legislation of the country where the sale goes through. Feel free to contact us for any recommendations.
2) Be careful when sharing other information through our webportal. When uploading a property, you can choose if you want to display the adress of the property you are selling or letting as well as your telephone number. Please consider your choice carefully. The same is true when sharing telephone numbers or other personal information through our messaging system or direct email with potential buyers or sellers.
3) Don't believe everything you are told or even shown. It is easy to manipulate pictures or information. Only proceed with any buyer or seller after you are sure of what you are being told or shown. And always remember, what appears to be too good to be true ususally is not true.
4) will never ask you for your financial information. Subscription packages can be bought online after uploading a property and any purchase is concluded through the secure payment system of PayPal. We provide bank transfer solutions only upon your demand.
5) If you experience any concerns with the above, or should you face any other security or privacy concerns, then please contact us immediately.